Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Tonight was great! I met up with Zac and we walked together  he pushed me through the intervals which are hard, but the outcome is well worth it cause just within the first week I LOST 8 lbs!!!!! and i was so shocked that I cried in my car. I was excited! If it wasn't for my mom helping make and prep my meals the night before, I would be lost and might have quit already (THANKS MOM I LOVE YOU) also thanks Zac/Fawn without their help  i would still be down the same destructive road and together we are paving a better healthier path. I can and will walk with my head up high cause this isn't over and i will NOT quit  cause  now i know if i set my mind to it  i can do it !!!

Monday, August 30, 2010


Yesterday i went shopping  solo and it was hard. I was worried that i would not get the right stuff , so i called zac and he answered all of my questions. I will admit it was a little overwhelming  especially in a crowded store, but none the less i got what i needed. I am feeling good, tired but good. With my family's support  and Zac and Fawn i will meet all my goals. As a result of my lifechange, today @ work  i did more then what i have in the past... I was alot more active then normal and we were able to get it all done.


Since Work comes early in the morning, preparing oatmeal the night before is the best way to go, that way it is there, ready to go!!  No time is no excuse!

Shopping at Trader Joes!

Now shopping at Trader Joes, where there is healthy food at an affordable price!

Wheat bread over white!
A variety of options, eggs are high in protein and healthy for breakfast!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

First Walk with Zac!

This is the first training on the new program!  Hill number 1!

1st week

The cause of my decision to change was FEAR.  It was a topic that Zac Woodfin talked about 3 weeks ago, and after talking with him one on one here i am eating well balanced  meals!  On Sunday night one week ago Zac showed me how to shop for the right foods. A couple of days later Fawn broke down my meal plan explaining  how and why the meals were balanced. Before my decision  i was eating at every fast food place you can imagine  all the popular fast food chains to the small mom n pop dinners and drinking more then a 6 pack of sodas a day. Zac and Fawn have showed me the path to loose weight  with there help /support i will meet my goals. since i have been following my meal plan  i am sleeping ALOT better, my back doesn't hurt as much as before and i am alot more focused.  Being overweight just slowed me down at work, hurt my social life, I could not stand for more then 5 min, walk for more then 10 min, and I was being looked at differently and was being called hurtful names. That is where the fear came from. Moving forward i am getting right portions and exercising and feeling great, a feeling  i thought i would never feel.