Wednesday, December 15, 2010


yesterday, i went to Forge. The discution was on how god made us in his IMAGE, and made us to be in relationships. After i heard this it helped me feel a lot calmer and reduced my fear in that area. i came across 4 scriptures that i like, but only 1 stood out to me "For i am the LORD, your God, Who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear, I will help you" (Isaiah41:13) when i read this i felt like nothing can faze me, and that i have nothing to FEAR, because God, will hold my right hand and help me. this journey is not only about my, weight its also about becoming a Man, the Man, god< wants me to be. I will no longer fearanything or anyone.


  1. It warms my heart to see how far you've come. Continued blessings Cande.

  2. it's great to experience the changes!! Congratulations on your entire journey!
