Monday, December 6, 2010


yesterday was a great day! i was baptized in the pacific ocean =) it was amaz
ing i had the support of my family and freinds. the way i made a commitment to my self and zac and fawn. I made it to follow God, it was the most important decision i have ever made =)today i still could not believe it. it's a great feeling. the sky is the limit keep on keeping on with Gods love /guidance.


  1. Check you out slim! I'm so proud of you and the choice in getting baptized! You ttly ROCK!

  2. Wow! God is transforming you inside and out! You are doing wonderful. I am so glad you are on the journey with us! You are an inspiration to so many people! I can't wait to see what God does next!!!

  3. Congratulations!! Your making your journey complete. Taking care of the inside as well as the outside! You are that Rockstar!!

  4. Cande, you express such joy, in your videos and through your words. I praise God for what He's doing in and through you. Congratulations!
