Thursday, December 9, 2010


wqell its week 15 and i worked out with fawn, she pushed and tested my limits like zac does. she was there doing the excercise along side with me she had mee running at a 8.5-8,7 so it was a lil dificult but with her there i was a lil easier. after the work out i weighed in. i lost 6 more lbs for a grand total of 59 lbs! so the goal of 220 was blown out of the water cause i am at 217.5 lbs. new goal is 1 75-180, i am still in shock i never in my right mind think i would getin to shout or out of the shape ROUBND lol. but with help in guidance and all of the support its happening. thank you everyone that follows this keep on keepin on =)


  1. So proud of you Candi...God is Good. It is working. You are doing wonderful! He has great plans for us!!!

  2. Yayyy Cande!!! Of course I kicked your butt! : ) It's because you can do it!!!

  3. So Happy for you! Keep going! Like that you even took your goal further!
