Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cande, You Rock!!!

As I watched Cande do pushups last night in a field, while running sprints and dropping into squats, my heart almost burst with excitement and pride! There are NO WORDS for how proud I am of Cande and the transformation that he has made in his life! HE IS RUNNING! When we started, Cande could barely walk 20 feet and now he is doing pushups?! What?!!! This truly reflects who Cande is becoming. It's about mind over matter! Mind and body are a package deal, one cannot go without the other! As I was watching Cande train with Zac, I noticed a few things about the new Cande! He is standing taller, his body is getting smaller and his movements are improving! He is even coming out of his shell alot! He said that he has always been a little shy and has held his head down, but Cande is making significant changes in his life! He is opening up!!! Of course, I love making videos and showing the world who Cande is, but he has even willingly stepped into that as well!

Cande talked about how he has been struggling with temptation this last week, but don't worry he has stayed strong! Needless to say, I am truly encouraged and inspired by him, as you should be as well! Way to go Cande!!! You rock!

Fawn "Baby Deer" Woodfin

1 comment:

  1. The help you and Zac are giving him is helping him SO much! I want to Thank the both of you. My baby bro really needed this. You say Cande rocks, well hun, You and Zac Rock even more!!!!
    Thanks Again!
